Love Island ITV Wiki

Vanessa Joli is a 24-years old Business Woman from Sydney, who took part in the second season of Love Island AU.


Vanessa Joli Biography

Retrieved from Nine.Com

  • Age: 24
  • From: Sydney
  • Occupation: Business Woman
  • "I'm a ride or die chick and would have my man's back 1000 per cent through anything."
  • About
    • Grew up in Vanuatu for the first five years of her life and speaks French. She has had one long term relationship before which ended as they wanted different things. Vanessa has a Bachelor of Finance and Economics and recently started a Masters in Computer Science.
  • Dating Status
    • Was in a two-month relationship earlier this year and has been single since then.
  • Looking For
    • Her ideal range for a man is 26-32.

"He needs to have an attractive face and look after himself." "I'm so affectionate and my partner is always my best friend"

  • Motivations For Going on Love Island
    • Vanessa wants to find love and she thinks Love Island will provide someone she really likes[1]

Competition History[]

Vanessa Joli Comp History

Vanessa entered the villa on Day 1, where she was coupled with Matthew. Vanessa stayed with Matthew during the first re-coupling that took place on Day 7. On Day 14, it was revealed that she alongside Matthew had ended up in the bottom 3 couples with Gerard and was as such at risk of being dumped. It was then revealed that the most popular couples had decided to dump her, therefore finishing in 22nd Place.

Challenge History[]

Date History[]

Coupling History[]

Day 1 Day 7 Day 17 Day 19 Day 31 Finale
Vanessa Matthew Dumped
Day 14


