Love Island ITV Wiki

Sex Pop Quiz was the eighth challenge from the fifth season of Love Island, airing June 25th,2019.



In this challenge the couples are divided into two different teams and are asked questions relating to sex. In order to answer questions, each couple of a team must pop a balloon together and the team that has it's couples do so the fastest, would get to answer first.

If the answering team gets the wrong answer, the opposing team would be allowed to answer the question instead. The team that got the most answers correct, would be the overall winners.


Question Team Guess Answer Correct? Points
What is the most popular sex position? Green Missionary Doggie Incorrect 0
Orange Doggie Correct 1
What percentage of men actually have a penis longer than 7 inches? Green 15% Correct 1
Orange Unanswered 0
On average how many times a day do men think about sex? Green 19 Correct 1
Orange Unanswered 0
On average how many calories do you burn during sex? Orange 100 Correct 1
Green Unanswered 0
What percentage of women orgasm with their partner? Green 30 Correct 1
Orange Unanswered 0
What percentage of people use their smart phones during sex? Orange 11% 20% Incorrect 0
Green 20% Correct 1

Final Results[]

Team Points Place
Green 4 Winners
Orange 2 Runners-up