Love Island ITV Wiki

Rajmund Szekely is a 23-years old Personal trainer from Szigetszentmiklós, who took part in the first season of Love Island Hungary.


Rajmund Szekely Biography

Retrieved from RTL.Hu

  • Personal trainer, football referee
  • His childhood dream of being a football coach loves ball games.
  • He hopes to find someone on Love Island who can finally show him how kind he can be.
  • He likes to be right, a leading individual, but at the same time he can be attentive in a relationship.
  • He loves having a woman know what she wants and have to fight for it.[1]

Competition History[]

Rajmund Szekely Comp History

Rajimi entered the villa on Day 8, as a late entrant. During the third re-coupling on Day 9, Rajmund was able to couple up with Helga. However this didn't last long, as he decided to re-couple with Nia during the fourth re-coupling on Day 15. At the fifth re-coupling, Rajmund once again re-coupled, this time with Alexa. At the sixth re-coupling on Day 20, he got back together with Nia. On Day 26, Rajmund re-coupled once last time with Andi as a part of the seventh re-coupling. For the next 5 re-couplings on Days 28, 31, 33, 34 & 39 respectively. During the finale on Day 43, he alongside Andi came out together in 4th Place.

Coupling History[]

Day 1 Day 2 Day 6 Day 9 Day 15 Day 18 Day 20 Day 26 Day 28 Day 31 Day 33 Day 34 Day 39 Finale
Rajmund Not in Villa Helga Nia Alexa Nia Andi Fourth Place
Day 43

