Love Island ITV Wiki

Eoghan Murphy is a 24-years old Real Estate Agent from the Gold Coast, who took part in the second season of Love Island AU.


Eoghan Murphy Biography

Retrieved from Nine.Com

  • Age: 23
  • From: Gold Coast
  • Occupation: Real Estate Agent
  • "I am such a respectful man with a huge heart, and I am genuinely looking for the girl of my dreams."
  • About
    • A very successful real estate agent on the Gold Coast Eoghan (pronounced Owen) was born in Ireland before moving to Queensland in 2006. Has been compared to Tarzan, Aquaman, Thor and Jon Snow.
  • Dating Status
    • Was in a long-term relationship with a girl at the age of 14, before they broke up 18 months ago.
  • Looking For
    • A brunette who is fun, not rude, polite and extremely lady like. "I want to put her on a pedestal like she is the only girl in the world.
  • Motivation For Going on Love Island
    • After being in a relationship for so long he feels like he doesn't "know how to get a girl," and Love Island will be the perfect opportunity to find new love[1]

Competition History[]

Eoghan Murphy Comp History

Eoghan entered the villa on Day 2, as a late entrant. The next day, Eoghan would be tasked with choosing one of the girls to couple with and therefore steal from one of the boys. On Day 3, Eoghan decided to couple up with Jessie, therefore leaving Maurice single. After the "Bomb Squad" twist, at Day 17's second re=coupling, Eoghan decided to re-couple with new girl; Jordan, therefore leaving Jessie single. During the surprise third re-coupling the next day, Eoghan is left without a partner, alongside Matthew and is chosen to be dumped by the "Bomb Squad" girls, therefore finishing in 18th Place.

Challenge History[]

Date History[]

Date Week Day Type
Jessie 1 3 New Islander's Choice
Anna 4 Normal Date
Angel 3 15 Speed-Dates

Coupling History[]

Day 1 Day 7 Day 17 Day 19 Day 31 Finale
Eoghan Not in Villa Jessie Jordan Dumped
Day 19


