Love Island ITV Wiki

Cartier Surjan is a 19-years old Lifeguard from Sydney, who took part in the second season of Love Island AU.


Cartier Surjan Biography

Retrieved from Nine.Com

  • Age: 19
  • From: Sydney
  • Occupation: Lifeguard
  • "It's not often you will come across a lady with my kind of morals."
  • About
    • Raised in a very traditional way she considers herself a born-again Christian, attending bible study and church. Doesn't drink but doesn't mind a champagne occasionally. Trained as a national swimmer for four years.
  • Dating Status
    • Single, has had one serious relationship.
  • Looking For
    • Wants a family man who can also respect her religious beliefs.
  • Motivation For Going on Love Island
    • She wants to find the one. "This show would be a God given blessing."[1]

Competition History[]

Cartier Surjan Comp History

Cartier entered the villa on Day 1, where she was coupled up with Gerard Majda. During the first re-coupling ceremony on Day 7, she re-coupled with Adam. Cartier was able to stay with Adam during the second re-coupling after the "Bomb Squad" twist on Day 17. Cartier once more decided to stay with Adam during the third re-coupling on Day 19. However during the fourth and final re-coupling on Day 31, Cartier decided to re-couple with Matthew, therefore leaving Adam single. during the finale on Day 35, Cartier alongside Matthew came out as the runners-up.

Challenge History[]

Date History[]

Date Week Day Type
Eoghan 1 3 New Islander's Choice
Adam 2 9 First Date

Coupling History[]

Day 1 Day 7 Day 17 Day 19 Day 31 Finale
Cartier Gerard Adam Matthew Runners-up
Day 35


