Love Island ITV Wiki

Angele Salentino is a 25-years old Wealth Management Advisor from Paris, who took part in the first season of Love Island France.


Angele Salentino Biography
  • 25 years old | Paris | Wealth management advisor
  • Her personality :
    • Angèle has a strong temper. Whole and spontaneous, it sometimes has a bad character and does not allow itself to be done. Very curious, she adores art history, exhibitions.
  • Her love journey:
    • Angèle suffers from the appearance she projects to others. Today she is looking for a simple relationship that she cannot seem to find. So far she has had only one serious relationship in her life. When she is in love, she turns out to be very jealous and cannot bear to approach her man. She is single because she finds it hard to invest and can no longer fall in love. With Love Island, she wants to live a new experience, and meet love again.
  • Her type of man:
    • She likes men who have humor, those with a big character, brown, dark, black eyes, quite big.[1]

Competition History[]

Angele Salentino Comp History

Angele entered the villa on Day 1, where she was coupled up with Tristan. During the first re-coupling ceremony on Day 5, Angele decided to stay coupled with Tristan. Angele was able to stay coupled with Tristan during the second re-coupling on Day 8. Thanks to the season ending prematurely, thanks to COVID-19, Angele, alongside Tristan came out as the winners on Day 17.

Challenge History[]

Date History[]

Date Week Day Type
Marvin 1 4 New Islander Date

Coupling History[]

Day 1 Day 5 Day 8 Day 11 Finale
Angele Tristan Winner
Day 17

